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This is my Trek 820 Mountain bike 🚲 💨 26” with a 5000 W Calibike kit. Decided to go with the 72V 20AH triangular battery 🔋 to take some of the weight off of the back end. Just email 📧 or call 📱 him and tell him to change your battery preference. Took her out for a test ride downtown and she flies I was going 41 mph UPHILL on the way home. There is so much torque you will pop a wheelie just accelerating when leaving a stop sign 🛑 definitely getting a full face helmet tomorrow for protection👍🏻 Anyone curious in this build set up or if you have any questions email me and I will get back with you on that day guaranteed:)

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  • BD2B3350 CA3A 46F8 8FE2 9F2AFA2FEE7B 150x150 - Blue speedster
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